poetry & things


Pancake house (haiku)

warm buttered syrup

the smell woke me from my dreams

little discs of flour


Drops of reddish rain on skins

slid dripping, pooled in leaves curled

Steps on stems break dawn’s awakening

Little wrecks of nests unhinge

twine thru twigs

Ladders leaned

steps for splintered fingers

Blossomy buds plucked thru rungs

Breezy days go shining

Apple worms burrow

for beaking birds

Bees have flown homeward

In September’s slanted sun

we gather sweetest reds

nebula (10w)

Summer sky nebulae

magenta blue kaleidoscope

interstellar clouds through telescopes

Illusion (haiku)

In my nakedness,

my dumbfounded foolishness

there lies illusion

I’m with stupid (haiku)

What fools wear these shirts?

Better question really is

who would hang with them?

Fern 2

She walked upon the forest floor

with feathered faerie feet

So still beneath a cedar tree

ferns so safely sleep

and from unfurling curls

water droplets seep

while tiny birds drink

little dewy pearls

Sleeping under Oaks

Oaks, groves, winding roads, all the twisted branches

Gnarled reaches of a wrong direction

Acorns and disappointments

some on the ground, some hanging on

I came to gather mistletoe, or kiss the earth and sky

Nomadic tribeswoman, a newborn deer, lost and found

We have fallen asleep together, the deepest peace I’ve known

Now crows dancing on branches awaken me.

I am alone, with our heartbeats in perfect sync, the deer’s and mine

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